Always Obtain a Police Report After a Car Accident in Albany, Georgia

There are two things car accident attorneys will tell you to do following a car accident. The first is to make sure you seek medical treatment immediately. The second is that you always get a police report at the scene of an accident. There are many reasons why you should never agree to not call the police. Not only is it unwise, but it also prevents you from getting a police report. Having a police report is critical if you need to file legal action down the road.

If you’ve ever been in a minor accident, you know how it works. The two drivers get out of their cars, shaking their heads. They usually grab their cell phones so they can take pictures of their vehicles. They may even call a friend or family member to let them know they’ve been in an accident. When the damage to their car isn’t serious, the first thing they say is, “We can handle this between us, right? There’s no need to call the police.”

Wrong! Never agree to not call the police if you’ve been in a car accident. Even if you are at fault or partly at fault, you want to call the police. There are several reasons for this. First, you have no idea who you’re dealing with. The other driver may give you false insurance information. Or, he isn’t insured and tells you to send him a bill for the damages. The other driver may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol and they just don’t want to get in trouble. If this is the case, they’ll say anything to get you to agree to not call the police.

Your Albany Car Accident Lawyer Will Demand that You Call the Police

There are many practical reasons why you should always call the police after you’ve been in an accident. One obvious reason is that you are going to need to file a police report. You want the police to get a chance to observe the scene and the other driver immediately following the accident. Yes, you can always report an accident later, but when you do this the police officer doesn’t get a chance to observe the scene first hand.

The other driver may have no insurance. They may give you insurance information only to find out that it’s not valid. They may not even give you the correct identification. Some people don’t have a valid driver’s license and they know they’ll get a ticket if the cops come. Don’t fall for this. The police can confirm identity and valid insurance at the scene. Why put yourself to the trouble of doing this yourself?

You also need the police to get the name and contact information for any eye witnesses. People are more likely to cooperate if the request is coming from an authority figure. If you ask a random motorist for their name and phone number, they’re going to think you’re crazy. Nobody wants to get involved in your accident. Let the police get this information for you.

Car Accident Attorneys in Albany Need the Police Report for Your Case

A police report contains important information that your Albany car accident attorney is going to need later on. Once you leave the scene of an accident, it is impossible to get this information. Some of the information contained in a police report is:

  • The names and insurance information for all involved
  • Pictures of the accident scene
  • Witness information
  • Description of road conditions
  • Statements from both drivers
  • Statements from passengers
  • A professional opinion of how the accident may have occurred
  • Proof that a driver was drunk or impaired at the time of the accident

If the other driver’s insurance refuses to pay your claim, your Albany car accident attorney will have to file a lawsuit. If this happens, he will need all of this information for your complaint. He is going to need to prove that the other driver was at fault. This is a lot easier if he has proof of intoxication or damaging statements made by the other driver. He will have to interview witnesses. This is impossible to do if he doesn’t have their information.

Contact an Albany Car Accident Lawyer Today

If you’ve been involved in a car accident, contact an Albany car accident lawyer today. You can schedule your initial consultation. It is absolutely free and it gives you a chance to ask your lawyer any questions you may have.

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