New Seat Belt Laws Could Be Coming to Georgia in 2020

Riding in the back seat of a vehicle without a seatbelt could get you a ticket in 2020.

Front seat passengers have always been required to wear seatbelts. However, lawmakers in Georgia are considering requiring every passenger to buckle up.

Georgia and 19 other states currently don’t require adults to use a seatbelt when they sit in the back seat.

However, Georgia State Patrol troopers say there has been an increase in fatal wrecks and it should be common sense to put on a seatbelt.

Sergeant Craig Singletary pointed out that back seat passengers face the same risks as those in the front seat. He noted that when an accident occurs, passengers can get tossed around and there are many things in a car that can harm or kill them.

He added that the open space in the backseat increases the chance of ejection. Also, traffic experts have indicated that distracted driving has helped to fuel an increase in rear-end crashes.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 44 percent of the more than 1,000 people who died in crashes in Georgia in 2017 were not wearing seat belts.

In response to the increase fatal crashes, Georgia State Patrol, the Department of Highway Safety and the Albany Police Department recently participated in Operation Rolling Thunder.

The nine-hour operation in the busiest areas of Albany resulted in three felony arrests, more than 30 DUI arrests, and five major drug arrests.

Sergeant Singletary said the operation also involved a few chases.

He reminded drivers to wear seatbelts and take precautions ahead of the busy holiday travel period.

What will happen after the legislative session remains to be seen.

If you suffer an injury in a car accident, reach out to an Albany car accident lawyer for advice and assistance.


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