Malpractice Proven in Albany County Jail Death Case

Malpractice was proven in Albany county jail death case. There is no doubt about it: the Cohoes woman found dead last summer in her Albany County jail cell was the victim of malpractice. Several medical errors and instances of negligence were proven in her case and, apparently, she was not the only victim.

Jessica Falco, aged 36, dies in her cell on the night of July 13 – 14, last year. Her daughter sued Albany County, their Mental Health Department, the jail’s healthcare provider – CFG Health Systems, as well as the jail staff responsible for overseeing Falco’s care.

Incarcerated on March 7, 2018, the woman had been sentenced to one year of jail for violating probation. She was suffering from substance abuse issues, mental issues, and chronic hepatitis. Instead of receiving adequate treatment and care, she fell victim to medical errors and negligence.

The treatment prescribed to her combined two drugs that are not supposed to be mixed, buprenorphine, an opioid replacement drug meant to relieve withdrawal symptoms and cravings, and bupropion, an anti-depressant. It also included trazodone, another antidepressant.

As proven in court, individuals who are prescribed both drugs need close monitoring, especially when they suffer from liver problems, like Falco. On July 10th, after receiving upsetting news, the inmate complained of mental distress. Her bupropion dose was increased to 30mg, to be administered three times a day.

However, due to a transcription error, Falco ended up receiving several doses of 60mg of bupropion. She developed severe side-effects, including diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, and excess sweating. The error was only discovered and reported on July 13.

Instead of evaluating the woman’s condition, especially given her health complications, the jail staff ignored her. She was discovered dead the next morning. CFG, the company providing healthcare services to Albany County jail, is not at its first scandal.

Their contract with the Hudson County jail in New Jersey was terminated in March 2018 after six inmates lost their lives under their service. The company currently serves Warren and Schenectady county jails as well. Hopefully, the current lawsuit will draw attention to CFG’s negligent service and prevent them from causing further harm.

If you or a loved one have been a victim of medical malpractice, contact us for help today.

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