Albany Auto Accident: Do I Need to Retain Legal Counsel?

At some point in our lives, most of us will be involved in some sort of auto accident. Most of these are minor so the odds of your having to file a personal injury lawsuit are low. However, there are times when people are involved in serious car crashes and have nowhere to turn. Their own insurance company denies their auto accident claim. The other driver’s insurance company denies their claim. In the meantime, the victim is left with a pile of bills and a ton of pain. Albany auto accident lawyers can make sure this doesn’t happen.

The last thing people think about in the first few minutes following an auto accident is whether they need a lawyer. Sadly, this is probably one of the first things you should worry about. Once you make sure everybody involved in the crash is out of serious danger, you need to think about yourself. There’s nothing selfish about taking legal action after a car wreck. In fact, if more people did that, they would probably get the compensation they deserve instead of settling for much less.

Since every case is different, there’s no way to know from the outset if you’ll need to take legal action. A lot of people don’t even realize that an Albany auto accident lawyer can help even if they don’t need to file a suit. This is why we recommend that any accident victim in Georgia call our office as soon as possible after their crash. There’s no commitment to retain one of our lawyers. But you will get the peace of mind you need in what can only be described as a chaotic time in your life.

Does Georgia Law Require You to Retain an Albany Auto Accident Lawyer?

Although it seems like common sense, it’s important to point out that nobody is required to hire an attorney for any reason. You have every right to handle your car accident claim by yourself. The question is whether you want to do that.

Most people who try to resolve their own car accident claim end up frustrated and disappointed. The insurance adjuster may push your claim to the back burner because you aren’t represented by an attorney. Or they may try to pressure you into accepting a low-ball settlement hoping that you don’t know any better.

Rather than having this sort of thing happen to you, it’s a good idea to at least sit down with one of our seasoned Albany car accident lawyers. They can go over the facts of your case and give you an honest opinion of what you should do next. If they don’t think you have a strong case, they’ll let you know. They’ll also give you an idea of what you may be entitled to. Either way, you’ll leave having a much better idea of how to proceed.

It’s Better to Hire an Albany Auto Accident Lawyer Sooner Rather than Later

The last thing you want to do is wait for the insurance company to deny your claim before you speak with an attorney. Having a skilled Albany car accident lawyer by y our side can make all the difference during the first few weeks following your car accident.

We always recommend that our clients meet with us in the first few days after a car crash. This gives us a chance to review the facts of their case. It also gives us a chance to intervene with the insurance companies. Once the adjusters know that you’re represented by an attorney, they won’t try to take advantage of you.

The longer you wait to hire an experienced Albany injury lawyer, the more you risk having your claim mishandled. You may miss a filing deadline or submit improper paperwork. Or you may say the wrong thing when the insurance adjuster calls to get your version of events. Rather than have this happen, take a few minutes to call and schedule your free, initial consultation.

car accident lawyer in Bainbridge Albany Car Accident Lawyer

Your Initial Consultation With Our Office Is Free of Charge

If Albany car accident lawyers had a nickel for every time a client asked how much a consultation was, well – they’d have an awful lot of nickels! Car accident victims don’t realize that they can meet with your office free of charge. This gives both you and your Albany injury lawyer a chance to see if the two of you make a good fit. It also gives you a chance to see if you want to hire an attorney at all.

What most people do is take advantage of the free consultation first. While there, they realize just how beneficial it can be to have a legal professional by their side.

What You Should Bring

We suggest that you come to your consultation with the following information so our team can give you the best recommendation possible:

Copy of the Police Report

The police report tells a detailed story about what happened with your car crash. They have notes describing the accident scene. They also include copies of the statements made by each driver. If you’re lucky, they may have the names and contact information of any eyewitnesses. Without this report, your attorney will have to spend a lot of time and money hunting down information that would’ve been available in this report.

Copies of Any Medical Records Related to the Crash

You may not have a copy of your detailed medical records before your initial consultation. As stated earlier, you should schedule this meeting as soon as possible after your car wreck. However, it’s a good idea to at least have a copy of your emergency room discharge papers. This will give your Albany car accident lawyer an idea of how serious your injuries were.

Copies of Medical Bills and Expenses

Copies of any medical bills or other expenses related to the accident – Even after just a few days, you will likely have bills related to the accident. You may have a mechanic’s bill or proof that you paid an insurance deductible. You might have a copy of an “Explanation of Benefits” form from your health insurance company. At a minimum, you’ll have receipts from any out-of-pocket expenses you paid for yourself.

Contact an Experienced Albany Injury Lawyer As Soon as Possible

The sooner you meet with one of our Albany injury lawyers, the sooner you’ll have the peace of mind you so desperately need. Contact our office and schedule your free, initial consultation today. Let our team handle the legal side of things for you while you focus on getting better.

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Joe Durham Jr., P.C. is a highly experienced personal injury attorney, dedicated to ensuring his clients get the compensation they deserve. When you need help, he's got your back!